Just got back from painting some pottery with my Mom, and her best friend and we had a blast. Unfortunately, it took almost 4 hours. Yes you read that right 4 hours painting pottery! Yeesh...did not expect that, but it was a good way to keep my mind of the fact that my boyfriend is at his Sniper Endocs for four days. He will be home on Sunday, but I never thought I would miss him this much. This is good practice for us for when I leave for thirteen weeks...
Even though he is gone I have been keeping up on my working out! Today after going to the gym I drove around town and clocked a mile and a half so I can practice for my IST on Tuesday!
So all in all, tonight was fun (painting pottery) but not really since my BF is out of town...
off to bed now (Big Yawn)
Living Large
So, not much going on today. My BF is at his Sniper Endocs this weekend so it is going to be pretty boring on the home front. I miss him bunches already, but this is good practice for when I leave for thirteen weeks to Boot Camp.
Heading out to the gym right now, and if I do say so myself I am doing pretty good. Went to the female Dr. Monday and she asked me if I was losing weight, because I looked really good (excuse me Dr. but are you saying I looked fat the last time I saw you?! ) But, alas, I had not lost a pound, just firming up from working out so much! I am going to work on abs, shoulders, and biceps and then run about 3 miles. Yeah!!
Heading out to the gym right now, and if I do say so myself I am doing pretty good. Went to the female Dr. Monday and she asked me if I was losing weight, because I looked really good (excuse me Dr. but are you saying I looked fat the last time I saw you?! ) But, alas, I had not lost a pound, just firming up from working out so much! I am going to work on abs, shoulders, and biceps and then run about 3 miles. Yeah!!
Sorry :(
Oops...So it has been a while since my last post, but alas life happens and you get busy
So I have been requested to write a newsy post so here goes:
1) Love life: I have a boyfriend. Yes, if you know me well you will understand that this is a huge thing for me... We are having a lot of fun and we keep pretty busy
2) Working Out: I have been working out daily at the gym and after this post am getting ready to go for a run (6 miles argghhh) then to the gym to lift some weights and then we are going to play racquetball!! (racquetball is my favorite game in the world! I love it even though I am absolutely horrible at it)
3) The Job: Yes, I was fired and am now one of the 13% or more in Michigan that have filed for unemployment. It totally sucks since I only have 2 months till I leave for Boot Camp and really, who is going to hire me for two months? So i am going to just hang out and collect unemployment, that is if I get it. Apparently, the Pub is saying that I walked out on my shift... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!! Those lying cheats! I am now in the Unemployment determination stage, so I have to wait and see....
4)And just for the fun of it here is a cute pic of Amirah (it is a little dark since I don't have a flash on my phone)
So I have been requested to write a newsy post so here goes:
1) Love life: I have a boyfriend. Yes, if you know me well you will understand that this is a huge thing for me... We are having a lot of fun and we keep pretty busy
2) Working Out: I have been working out daily at the gym and after this post am getting ready to go for a run (6 miles argghhh) then to the gym to lift some weights and then we are going to play racquetball!! (racquetball is my favorite game in the world! I love it even though I am absolutely horrible at it)
3) The Job: Yes, I was fired and am now one of the 13% or more in Michigan that have filed for unemployment. It totally sucks since I only have 2 months till I leave for Boot Camp and really, who is going to hire me for two months? So i am going to just hang out and collect unemployment, that is if I get it. Apparently, the Pub is saying that I walked out on my shift... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!! Those lying cheats! I am now in the Unemployment determination stage, so I have to wait and see....
4)And just for the fun of it here is a cute pic of Amirah (it is a little dark since I don't have a flash on my phone)

So, my work out partner is doing his one weekend a month deal this weekend and I totally thought that after working out two weeks straight daily (not sat. or sun.) and making my workouts a habit I would actually have the motivation to work out on my own. Apparently not! I sat on my lazy duff all day! Yeesh! So, tomorrow no matter how much motivation I lack I WILL GO TO THE GYM!!! I don't know why I didn't have the motivation today. I am totally disappointed with myself :( But, tomorrow is another day! I WILL GO TO THE GYM!!
Anyways, my goal for Monday is to run an IST with my workout partner (henceforth to be known as mwp). For those of you that don't know what an IST is: It is the Initial Strength Test to get into the USMC; a flexed arm hang, amount of sit ups in 2 minutes and a 1.5 mile run. I have the flexed arm hang and sit ups down pat. It is the running I am struggling on. I don't know why I am the slowest human on earth. I am a turtle. My goal is to beat my time on Monday. So, we will see. I will keep you posted!
Anyways, my goal for Monday is to run an IST with my workout partner (henceforth to be known as mwp). For those of you that don't know what an IST is: It is the Initial Strength Test to get into the USMC; a flexed arm hang, amount of sit ups in 2 minutes and a 1.5 mile run. I have the flexed arm hang and sit ups down pat. It is the running I am struggling on. I don't know why I am the slowest human on earth. I am a turtle. My goal is to beat my time on Monday. So, we will see. I will keep you posted!
Desperately Excited!
SO, I watched the reunion show for Desperate Housewives of NYC last night and was a little disappointed, but this Thursdays reunion looks quite juicy!
But, I did watch Desperate Housewives of New Jersey and OMGosh! I am so excited for this season, looks to be quite dramatic! Yeah! Just what I need in the sweltering summer is a little gossip and drama before I go to bed! Cause I definitely don't have enough of that in my life...
But, I did watch Desperate Housewives of New Jersey and OMGosh! I am so excited for this season, looks to be quite dramatic! Yeah! Just what I need in the sweltering summer is a little gossip and drama before I go to bed! Cause I definitely don't have enough of that in my life...
Bad Idea...
Made a big mistake yesterday... two hours of working out (i.e. wightlifting) my co-ed softball game equals very sore muscles today! I can barely stand to sit here and type!!! And I am getting ready to go to the gym here in a little bit! As my Marine t-shirt reads "Pain is only weakness leaving the body" Well....right now I have a lot of weakness leaving my body!
Amirah and Tucker

I just had to post this pic of my dog Amirah and her best friend Tucker (he's the large male lab and her bff) and me and Sue, Tuckers mommy. Though, as I am looking at the picture again, I am not really sure why I am the only one facing the camera. Obviously Sue, Tucker, and Amirah had their eye on something. A treat perhaps!?
This is us at the finish line of our 1.5 mile walk around Prairie View Park. We had a blast! Definitely more pix to come of our great day!
So, why is it that guys can really only function by thinking of one thing? So, I was super excited to work out with my Marine friend and we had fun last night at the gym, we ran a couple laps, did some manly bench pressing, and then a fun round of racquetball. Everything is all good with my new work out partner right? NO! He asked me to hang out this weekend and ditsy me thought that is exactly what he meant...Until I got his text today, as follows, in my favorite new website form of textsfromlastnightdotcom
(269) What's up beautiful?
Really!! I still have yet to respond to that text! My name is Emily. You can call me Emily, (insert last name), Em, Emmers or any other variation of my first or last name. We are friends. We will only ever be friends. Why do you have to be like the other 90% of the male population and ruin the good thing we had going by flirting with me? Uuuugggghhhhh! Men!
So, now the question is what do I text back? Gotta text back something...especially since he is a good source to work out with as he is pretty buff since boot camp, but don't wanna hurt his feelings. And I will be seeing him tomorrow at our monthly pool function at the paintball place...hmmm. any suggestions on how to handle this little development?
(269) What's up beautiful?
Really!! I still have yet to respond to that text! My name is Emily. You can call me Emily, (insert last name), Em, Emmers or any other variation of my first or last name. We are friends. We will only ever be friends. Why do you have to be like the other 90% of the male population and ruin the good thing we had going by flirting with me? Uuuugggghhhhh! Men!
So, now the question is what do I text back? Gotta text back something...especially since he is a good source to work out with as he is pretty buff since boot camp, but don't wanna hurt his feelings. And I will be seeing him tomorrow at our monthly pool function at the paintball place...hmmm. any suggestions on how to handle this little development?
So, yesterday was the most frustrating day. First I go into work (as a waitress at a local pub) and apparently I wasn't greeting the customers properly (golden rule from the pub: greet all customers). Thar bar manager kept busting me out in front of the owner about greeting everyone. Well after the third time of her ragging on me, I pulled her to the side and addressed the situation by informing her that just because she didn't hear me each time did not mean I wasn't greeting the costumers. That was when she told me to go home and she was transferring all my tables! What?! WTF?! Oh well... I have been working since I was fourteen and never once have I been sent home! So...I went and got my oil changed and hung out at the car dealership (my old place of employment)...
As for a working out update: Went to the gym last night to run off my frustrations of the day and saw my friend from DEP who has since been gone and returned from Boot Camp. Yeah! He is in the reserves so we exchanged numbers so we can work out together. Another yeah! He just called and we are meeting at the gym tonight to lift some weights! I'll let you know how it goes..
Back to the work thing for a minute: Got a call from one of the other servers last night and she wanted to know why I got fired! Fired?! WTF?! I didn't know...I am on night call tonight so I plan on finding out at 7pm if I got fired yesterday :)
As for a working out update: Went to the gym last night to run off my frustrations of the day and saw my friend from DEP who has since been gone and returned from Boot Camp. Yeah! He is in the reserves so we exchanged numbers so we can work out together. Another yeah! He just called and we are meeting at the gym tonight to lift some weights! I'll let you know how it goes..
Back to the work thing for a minute: Got a call from one of the other servers last night and she wanted to know why I got fired! Fired?! WTF?! I didn't know...I am on night call tonight so I plan on finding out at 7pm if I got fired yesterday :)
sorry and a new hello
So, sorry if you are just reading this and do not know me... you may notice that my most recent postings are almost a year ago! So much has happened since then... My blog idea has changed. I am now doing this so that I can let my friends and fam and anyone ele in the DEP program what is going on with my life in the DEP program of the USMC.
For me and those that know me will contest that I am not an open person. I don't freely express my feelings out loud to my family and friends so maybe this will help us all to fully appreciate what I am going through...
For those who don't know I am currently in the Delayed Entry Program (DEP) of the Unicted States Marine Corps. That means I am delayed to enter recruit training until July of 2009.
This blog will be filled with my musings on training and my obscenely crazy life until I leave.
I hope to update this as regularly as possible, but I refuse to pay for internet at my house ($60 a month Charter are you crazy?) so I go to a local coffee shop (shout out to Fourth Coast Cafe - Thanks!) to have use of their free internet and cheap and delicious coffee! So, updates may not be daily, but they will be weekly and pretty soon maybe daily (to be continued on that subject and no I am still not paying Charter for their internet usage)
talk to y'all soon!! and thanks for reading!
For me and those that know me will contest that I am not an open person. I don't freely express my feelings out loud to my family and friends so maybe this will help us all to fully appreciate what I am going through...
For those who don't know I am currently in the Delayed Entry Program (DEP) of the Unicted States Marine Corps. That means I am delayed to enter recruit training until July of 2009.
This blog will be filled with my musings on training and my obscenely crazy life until I leave.
I hope to update this as regularly as possible, but I refuse to pay for internet at my house ($60 a month Charter are you crazy?) so I go to a local coffee shop (shout out to Fourth Coast Cafe - Thanks!) to have use of their free internet and cheap and delicious coffee! So, updates may not be daily, but they will be weekly and pretty soon maybe daily (to be continued on that subject and no I am still not paying Charter for their internet usage)
talk to y'all soon!! and thanks for reading!
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